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Why do transportation companies need EDI?

In today’s global economy, rising complexity and customer expectations can separate your business from the rest of the supply chain network.

Electronic data transmission bridges the gap, giving dispatchers, accounts receivable, accounting, and shipping, the tools they need to maintain speed and agility in favorable and challenging times.

How does EDI help transportation companies?

EDI streamlines communication between carriers, shippers, third-party logistics companies, and other stakeholders in the transportation network. It automates the exchange of crucial documents, reducing manual data entry, eliminating errors, and getting vital products to where they need to be faster.

Additional benefits include:

  • Enhanced visibility and control
  • Cost savings
  • Stronger partner relationships
  • Effortless compliance
  • Seamlessly integrated
  • Scalable and future-proof

What are the most common EDI documents in transportation?

EDI 204 (Motor Carrier Load Tender) – Shippers use an EDI 204 to communicate information about a shipment and tender an offer to a motor carrier. It provides a description of goods, scheduling information, equipment requirements, and more.

EDI 990 (Response to Load Tender) – Motor carriers generate an EDI 990 in response to an EDI 204. It accepts or rejects the shipment collection offer.

EDI 211 (Motor Carrier Bill of Lading) – An EDI 211 is the digital equivalent of a paper Motor Carrier Bill of Lading. It is a legal document sent by the shipper to the carrier that sets out both parties' responsibilities, liabilities, and obligations.

EDI 214 (Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message) – Motor carriers use an EDI 214 to provide a shipment status to a shipper or consignee.

EDI 210 (Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice) – An EDI 210 is an invoice presented in a digital format. It contains the same information you would find on a traditional paper-based invoice and is often sent for payment of freight charges.

EDI 997 (Functional Acknowledgment) – An EDI 997 confirms receipt of another EDI document and indicates if it has been accepted, rejected, or contains errors.

Why do transportation businesses rely on 1 EDI Source?

We’re backed by decades of EDI experience in transportation. And, with over 50,000 trading partner connections, we can ensure easy and efficient compliance. Let us show you what we can do.