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The speed and complexity of modern business weave a web of EDI data that’s hard to penetrate.

Answering seemingly straightforward questions like, “How can I track all my advanced shipping notices and invoices to ensure they got back to my customer?” or “How can I ensure all of my supplier orders are being accepted” requires time-consuming searching and sifting. It may also call for IT knowledge most departments don’t have. So what’s the solution?

One answer to these perennial EDI problems is IntelligentXchange®, the visibility and analytics portal from 1 EDI Source. IntelligentXchange provides total clarity into how your EDI is “tracking” to keep your business running smoothly. You don’t have to worry about delays, fines, and chargebacks, all of which take their toll on business efficiency and your relationship with trading partners.

If you want to find out how to track your EDI without needing IT resources, this article is for you. Join us as we explore some common issues caused by a lack of EDI transparency and how a quick, intuitive tool can make things right.

EDI Tracking: Are Your Reputation and Relationships At Risk?

When it comes to EDI data, any mishap can harm your bottom line. Common problems include:

  • Chargeback disputes
  • Missing invoices
  • Days sales outstanding
  • Difficulty communicating with trading partners
  • Delayed shipments and disrupted supply chains
  • Inventory errors
  • Data duplication
  • Missed delivery deadlines
  • Legal issues
  • Missed revenue-generating opportunities

To avoid these outcomes, you need a quick and easy way to keep tabs on EDI and snuff out potential issues before they happen.

997 Functional Acknowledgments and 855 PO Acknowledgments

Modern businesses need to track a wide range of transaction sets effectively if they want to maintain strong trading partner relationships and ensure the success of business operations.

Some transaction sets are of particular importance and require even greater attention and care. 997 Functional Acknowledgments and 855 PO Acknowledgments are two such examples.

997 Functional Acknowledgments

The EDI 997 transaction set, known as the Functional Acknowledgment or FA, serves as a receipt to acknowledge that an EDI transaction, or a group of transactions, was received by the trading partner and processed by the recipient’s EDI translator.

997 Functional Acknowledgements are always sent in response to an EDI 810 Invoice transaction. By tracking 997s, you can ensure prompt and accurate payment of invoices, avoiding disputes and protecting the lifeblood of your organization–your cash flow. 

855 PO Acknowledgments

The X12 855 transaction set serves as a Purchase Order Acknowledgement. Sellers use it to confirm the receipt of a PO (an EDI 850 transaction). It communicates whether the PO was Accepted, Rejected, or Accepted with Changes, which means certain line items or header-level changes are required before the seller can accept the PO.

Knowing that your PO has been accepted is vital for obvious reasons. It ensures the timely delivery of goods, eliminates miscommunications, and maintains strong supplier relationships. Additionally, it strips away the need for time-sapping back-and-forth via phone, fax, or email, which prevents employees from carrying out more important tasks.

EDI Tracking Made Easy with IntelligentXchange

For many employees, EDI is a black box. Data goes in, and data comes out, but very few people understand what’s going on behind the scenes. EDI tracking requires specialized IT capabilities that the average business user doesn’t have.

IntelligentXchange changes all this. It’s a fast and intuitive web-based application that integrates with any EDI system, translating EDI information into an easy-to-read format. It creates a reliable window into EDI, empowering every stakeholder in every department to be proactive about EDI tracking.

No more searching through endless lines of impenetrable EDI data or calling on the IT department for help. IntelligentXchange provides the essential visibility you and other departments probably lack. It gives you the insight to make informed decisions and customize alerts (documents, trading partners, and transactions) to ensure you never miss a beat.

The Benefits of IntelligentXchange

Below are some of the benefits that make IntelligentXchange such a game-changer for many businesses.

Maintain Compliance

With IntelligentXchange, you can stay ahead of your compliance obligations and overcome challenges related to Days Sales Outstanding (DSO).

Increase Efficiency

You can say goodbye to the hassle of searching through outdated systems and facing the frustration of endless lines of alphanumeric code. With quick search functionality and effortless access, you can now easily find the EDI document you need in a matter of seconds.

Reduce Costs

Setting up and maintaining IntelligentXchange can be carried out in-house with no need for expensive IT support. Once implemented, you’ll soon eliminate delays, disputes, chargebacks, and fines to reduce unnecessary expenditures.

Accessible and Empowering

Stakeholders across your organization can benefit from IntelligentXchange thanks to its highly intuitive interface and unlimited users. You can empower employees across accounting, customer service, and compliance departments to streamline their daily operations and excel in their roles.


A predictable subscription model makes IntelligentXchange highly cost-effective. There’s no need to fork out on a large up-front expense or pay for ongoing maintenance.

Fast Time-to-Value

Self-serve implementation means getting up and running and benefiting from IntelligentXchange quickly. 1 EDI Source’s experts are on-hand to ensure data is imported safely and securely.

Seamless Integration

IntelligentXchange connects with any EDI system without interfering with your data. Seamless integration means there’s no need to rip and replace any of the tools you currently use, saving you time, money, and irritation.


Opaque, unintuitive, and outdated EDI systems can hinder your ability to monitor EDI performance within your business. A lack of visibility leads to inefficiencies and increases the likelihood of failing to meet compliance requirements and violating trading partner agreements.

What you need is a solution that tracks EDI in real-time, 24/7, in a way that any non-technical business user can understand. It should connect seamlessly to your existing EDI system and provide access to unlimited users so every department benefits. IntelligentXchange delivers all this and more.

If you're eager to turn complex EDI data into valuable insights and empower your organization, reach out to one of our EDI specialists. A quick chat will give you a comprehensive understanding of your EDI operations and how you can significantly boost efficiency.

When you're ready to take the next step with IntelligentXchange, our specialists will be there to support you every step of the way, from implementation to adoption.